About us... and this website

There are a ton of Las Vegas websites on the World Wide Web. Google, the search engine people says there are more than a mllion! There seems be one common denominator among them ...and that is eCommerce. They offer Las Vegas related products. Many participate in affiliate programs ...that is they get a commission if you buy or book a flight, hotel room, show ...whatever. Some are unbelievably out of date. This is a totally non-commercial website. We have nothing to sell, period.
Profit from our experiences...

"Glitter Gulch"
Downtown Las Vegas
Where Las Vegas and gambling began.
My real name is Fred and I live in Texas (near Dallas) along with my wife. This website started as a blog (an online diary) that I wrote over several months ...actually more than a year.
I was a business owner and am now retired. I was motivated to author this information after noting on several of our trips to Las Vegas that many visitors simply did not know what to do, where to go, how to get around the city, how the city operates, what to expect ...and, most importantly, how to save money. Furthermore, much Las Vegas information on the Web is either inaccurate, embellished or slanted toward services on which the site receives a commission.
Las Vegas' 150,000 plus rooms are pretty much filled to capacity every night ...year round. We tell you how they do it. The fact is, not everyone pays the same price ...there are hundreds of bargains, deals and special promotions everywhere. We tell you where they are.
This website and its recommendations are the result of dozens of eye-opening vacation trips to Las Vegas over the past few decades ...yes, decades! We started going to Las Vegas in the late 1960's. The thoughts contained herein are solely my own observations and opinions.
We are not affiliated with - nor receive any income from - any Las Vegas or travel-related entity of any kind.Our views are totally unbiased and we are under no obligation to promote anything. We tell it like it is ...or at least how we believe it is.
The information that was on the blog has now been transferred to this website and supplemented with a lot of new data. We concentrate on the areas that newcomers to Las Vegas will want to know about. The fact is that this website will never be finished since Las Vegas is constantly changing. New hotels and attractions continually appear and old ones are replaced. And keeping up with the entertainment and shows is amost a full time job. So check back periodically.
About the Google ads on this site
The only advertising on this website are nine ads that are supplied by Google, a company of which we are a big fan.

We do not select the ads and do not know what they will be ...except that they will be Vegas related. Google merely (instantaneously) generates ads in certain sized space that we allocate.
We get a few cents whenever someone accesses one of them. They hopefully, however, will pay enough income to pay the expenses of providing this website. Our start up costs alone were around $1000 and we provide this site only because we want to. So click on one or two if the subject interests you.
Google does not place "cookies" on your browser. It is possible, however, that other sites that we may offer an information link to - may have a different policy. We also do not exchange links to our website. While anyone may link to our site, our Link Page (see above) contains only sites that we feel worthy.
Privacy Policy

We understand and respect your desire for privacy. Our Web server does not automatically recognize any personally identifiable information or e-mail address of any visitor to our Web page. We collect no information of any sort on anyone.
Email address information is only made available to us when a user communicates with us via email or when the user volunteers this information. We never send out information of any type to lists or to anyone unless specifically asked to do so. All information from visitors is kept confidential. You will not receive periodic on-line or postal mail from us. We do not use cookies to store visitors' preferences or to record past activity at this site.
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